Two Doms and Two Kings

This word was received in May 2020, released on Facebook on 13 November 2020, now republished on this blog and backdated. Click here to see the original post.

I probably should have shared this a long time ago, but since Dominic Cummings is now out of No. 10, I will share it now for us to pray into. I received this back in May.


While walking down the river praying, I saw the words “Dom” and “Dom” before my eyes. And then I saw the suffix “-inic” flash and they became “Dominic” and “Dominic”, and then I saw prefixes “King-” and “King-” flash and they became “Kingdom” and “Kingdom.”

When “Dominic” and “Dominic” flashed I knew they represented Dominic Raab and Dominic Cummings.

And then I saw the two “Kings” in contention with one another, the Kingdom of darkness vs the Kingdom of light.

I believe Dominic Raab and Dominic Cummings will be in some form of contention for leadership [which is what is happening now], one will carry the agenda of heaven but the other will oppose it.

And I hear the Lord say strongly: “The mystery is in ‘2 Kings’ (the book of the bible).”

What is happening right now is contention for leadership of this nation, because Boris’s time as Prime Minister will soon come to an end.

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Margaret Leveratt avatar
Margaret Leveratt
3 years ago

How amazing! I watched Dominic Cummings today facing the Parliamentary Committee. Tonight I opened up your website and read your comments. I read of 2 Doms and 2 Kings. I believed, as I heard D. Cummings comments and saw his “display” that he actually had an agenda for leadership of some sort , but what could it be? As ridiculous as it seems, I believe he will contend with D.Raab! We have succeeded Brexit, but the battle rages on, God has a plan for this country, and He will succeed. I 1st found your article 11 Dec.2019, I heard Intimate Emotions Vol 1 and sobbed, I was so spiritually dry! I have only just found you again, I trust I shall receive your posts, I don’t do social media….you are Such a Blessing! Praise God….