A Jezebelic Onslaught Is Coming – But We Will Overcome

This word was originally released on Facebook on 11 December 2019, now republished on this blog and backdated.

Tomorrow, our country will be having the most significant General Election before Brexit. Ever since I prophesied over Boris Johnson 3 months ago, people have been asking me what happened, what I told Boris and what I see regarding this General Election. I have shared bits and pieces here and there, but never felt released to share the whole story. Not just because it wasn’t the right timing, but because I’ve experienced the most intense warfare over this and have not had the strength to tell the whole story – until now. But more importantly, I believe our concern is not so much about this election, but what comes after. I see an onslaught coming, it’s going to be intense, but we will overcome.

God is About to Deal With Jezebel

On 24 July 2019, I returned from a prayer assignment in Israel. It was Boris Johnson’s first day as Prime Minister. As the plane landed, I noticed a significant change in the atmosphere over our nation. Last time I felt similar was 2016 when Donald Trump became President-Elect of the United States, I woke up feeling a shift in the spirit-realm on a global scale, despite still having massive reservations about him and not fully on board with what the prophetic voices were saying at the time. But I felt it. This time, when I landed in London on Boris’s first day, I felt the same shift.

On 29 July 2019, I called my friend David v. O. in Israel to pray, and felt very strongly that God was about to deal with Jezebel on a national level. The anointing was so strong on it that it felt like I was about to give birth in the Spirit all over again. Along with it was also a sense that a shift was coming in my own life.

My Personal Confrontation with Jezebel

The very next day, my area manager at work came to my office from another part of Aberdeen and called me into a meeting. She said, “Frank we have received a complaint about you from one of our students, and the concern has gone quite high up in the company.”

Slightly worried, I said, “What is it?”

She began to read out charges regarding my facebook posts which the student deemed “homophobic, Islamaphobic and transphobic.” (Just to be clear, my facebook was completely separate from work, there were no links to my social media on any of my work profiles. The student would have had to actively hunt me down to find these posts.)

Showing me screenshots of my facebook, she said, “Do you have any comments regarding these posts?”

“Yes, because these are what I genuinely believe. I express what I believe based on my freedom of speech.” I answered, and then went on to explain why they were not hateful, but rather common sense, and what the LGBT agenda is doing to our school kids are madness.

I will never forget what she said: “I agree. But the student was offended, so we have to do something about it.”

I walked out of that room jobless, but also realising that I had just had a face-to-face confrontation with Jezebel! It was only one day before that God said He was about to confront Jezebel. Not only that, the shift that I sensed coming to my life had just taken place.

I called David, told him what happened, and immediately started to laugh. You see, earlier that month I went on prayer assignment in the Negev Desert to receive an encounter which God said He would release for myself and the UK, and then go to Mount of Olives to release it prophetically over our nation. The encounter I received was intense joy and laughter, and as a result, I was delivered from intimidation. But it wasn’t just any intimidation, it was Jezebelic intimidation. Had I not had that encounter, I would not have been so bold with my boss. I also laughed because Jesus promised that “Whosoever overcomes [Jezebel], I will give him authority over nations.” (Rev. 2:26) We were believing for revival in the nations.

Little did I realise how important this event was.

How Jezebel Manifests in Society

Before I go on, I want to explain the Jezebel spirit for those who may be unfamiliar with it. In 1 Kings we read the story of Jezebel, a manipulator and controller who attached herself to King Ahab. Along with her false prophets, she brought idolatry to the Kingdom of Israel, and led the people to worship Baal, the god of fertility. (In other words, sexual immorality.) In Revelation 2:18-29, Jesus warned the congregation in Thyatira that they tolerated a false prophet also named Jezebel, who led God’s servants into idolatry and immorality. It was not the same Jezebel, but the same spirit behind them both.

This spirit is evident in our society. Our hyper-feminism goes beyond empowering women to be equal alongside men, but to control and rule over men; most of us don’t worship idols of statues, but we worship money, ourselves, and we blatantly reject the leadership of the one true God, YHWH; and there is no modern expression of the worship of the god of fertility more fit than the pervasiveness of sexual immorality: adultery, fornication, pornography, strip clubs and the normalcy of one-night-stands, LGBTQ+ etc. The belief that sex is reserved for marriage and marriage is between a man and a woman is no longer the norm.

The worship of Baal involved child sacrifice. In today’s terms, this is abortion. Abortion is a “women’s right” in today’s society and don’t you dare challenge it. Northern Ireland has recently legalised abortion, and we have a political party in this election vowing to legalise abortion up until birth.

Jezebel hated prophets. She used fear and intimidation to keep the prophets silent, and when Elijah confronted her and killed her prophets, she went after him to kill him, and had him hiding in a cave, depressed, depleted, isolated and wanting to give up. Similarly, the prophetic voice of today, the Christians – the true voices of conscience, are kept silent by fear. If we dare to speak out, we can lose our jobs and not be accepted in many places. Where would our nation be if our voice of conscience is silent? Oh God, we need revival in this nation!

Jezebel the Political Spirit

Jezebel is a political spirit. She did not enforce her agenda by herself, but attached herself to King Ahab and used his authority to advance her agenda. The main channel the LGBT groups use for advancement is political activism – manipulation by calling anyone who disagrees a “bigot,” and advancement through fear and intimidation.

King Herod’s niece, the daughter of Herodias operated in a Jezebel spirit. Herod hated John the Baptist (who was a prophet), but was too afraid to kill him. It was Herodias’ daughter who asked Herod for John the Baptist’s head on a platter on her birthday, and thus John was killed. It was Jezebel that killed John the Baptist, and she accomplished this by political means.

Jezebel and the European Union

We can see that Jezebel as a political spirit hijacks legitimate authority in order to push her own agenda through. (More often than not, the legitimate authority willingly hands power over to her.) The European Union has a Parliament that is legitimately elected and represents the EU citizens, but its right of initiative is handed over to EU’s executive branch, the European Commission, which is an unelected body of bureaucrats – they are the ones who propose all the legislations and execute them, and the European Parliament can only discuss what they propose, not what EU citizens want. This renders the European Parliament’s representation of the people meaningless. Just like Ahab handed his authority over to Jezebel, just like Herod handed his authority over to Herodias’ daughter, and just like the congregation in Thyatira who tolerated their Jezebel (handed their authority over to her), the European Parliament hands its authority and legitimacy to the European Commission, who executes its own agenda using the legitimacy of the Parliament, just like Thyatira’s Jezebel who used the congregational leaders, just like Herodias’ daughter who used King Herod, and just like the first Jezebel who used Ahab. This is exactly the structure Jezebel needs to thrive. With this structure, Jezebel has unlimited power not just to influence nations and culture, but to force her agenda and keep nations in chains. In order for nations to thrive in the way God intended, they must first be delivered from the political chains of Jezebel.

This is why virtually all the prophetic voices in Britain and around the world are in total agreement that in order to see revival, Britain must leave the EU, totally and completely. This is why most prophetic intercessors in the church are Brexiteers. Never in history has there been this level of agreement on any issue. God is setting Britain apart, freeing her from Jezebel so that He can pour out His Spirit, make Britain a light to other European nations, and raise up a glorious Church in Europe, and fulfil the statement “Europe Shall Be Saved.”

Little did I realise how big a stronghold Jezebel had over our own House of Commons.

My Meeting with Boris Johnson

On 4 September 2019, our Parliament (who really did not want to deliver Brexit) voted to block a No-Deal Brexit, which effectively pushed Boris Johnson into a corner in delivering Brexit. In response, Boris courageously called for a General Election, (which Parliament then blocked). When I heard this, I sent out an urgent prayer request to an alliance of several European nations God put together in the Negev. During our prayer call, Guiomar, a girl from Spain prayed that the Lord would put us in front of “kings” to deliver His word.

12 hours later, I received a random invitation to a meeting with Boris Johnson at a secret location outside Aberdeen, unannounced and unpublicised to the Media. I called David v. O. again and we prayed. As we sought the Lord, we felt something shift, a new anointing was released for Boris to do his job. God gave us a strong word to release to Boris on the day of the meeting, which was happening in less than 24 hours. On the very next day, 36 hours after Guiomar’s prayer, I found myself standing in front of Boris Johnson.

As I shook his hand, I felt an anointing on him which he clearly did not know about. Incidentally, I was reading Exodus that morning, and I was aware of Tomi Arayomi’s word that God raised him up as a Moses to say to Europe, “Let my people go.” Nevertheless, I was somewhat surprised that I felt this anointing. (Though I shouldn’t be.)

I said to Boris, “I see this anointing on you, which is the same anointing I felt this morning when I was reading the Book of Exodus.”


“Yes.” – I briefly explained how he compared to Moses, but he already knew that. I mean, Boris compared himself to Moses once and used the phrase, “Let my people go.” But of course, he didn’t know about the anointing that came from God.

I said, “This is what God has anointed you for. The situation you are facing right now is the Red Sea, which Moses had to cross to take the people of Israel to their Promised Land. In the same way, you must overcome this situation in order to take this nation to its Promised Land. But I believe if you will humble yourself and seek His face, God Himself will split your opposition in half like He split the Red Sea.”

Boris replied, “That’s a good idea!”

He then went on his way to see the Queen in Balmoral – probably to talk about the Queen’s Speech which took place a month later, after which the Parliament finally agreed to a General Election. I believe the Queen had a huge part in this. She literally went before Boris and opened up a gate for him and released a Micah 2:13 anointing.

One thing I was surprised about, was that the anointing was on Boris and only Boris. Other MPs in the room supported him, but they did not have this anointing. The anointing rested on Boris alone. I knew that Boris alone was going to deliver Brexit in the end.

Jezebel and the House of Commons

After I came back from the meeting, I experienced the most intense Jezebelic attack for a week. I experienced every symptom Elijah had hiding in that cave. For three days I felt heavy and exhausted, had no energy to focus or pray, all I wanted to do was sleep. As soon as I recognised it as Jezebel, it shifted. I had a sudden realisation that what I was experiencing from the invisible realm was exactly what was going on in the House of Commons.

What was incredible was that for a whole week, I did not even think to ask for prayer. There was a European Nations Alliance group interceding all along, yet for some reason, asking for prayer did not cross my mind. One of Jezebel’s deadliest tactics is isolation. If you are a prophetic person, please, please do not isolate yourself. Walk with the Body, walk with other prophetic people.

The Biggest Showdown and the Biggest Onslaught

Since that week of attacks, I knew that this General Election is going to be the biggest Elijah vs Jezebel’s puppets showdown. It was apparent in the first election debate between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn that everyone including the host was biased against Boris. They attacked him from all sides, and he resisted them well, all by himself. I saw in the meeting that God anointed him alone, and he alone carried the anointing. It occurred to me that it was Elijah alone who killed all the prophets of Baal, and I believe Boris, with his anointing from God, will win the election.

However, it is what is coming after the election that troubles me. I believe that is what we need to focus on. It hit me that if Boris alone carried the anointing to defeat his oppositions from all sides just like Elijah defeated the false prophets, then what’s coming after the election will be the biggest Jezebelic onslaught.

You see, it was easy for Elijah to defeat all these false prophets – they were merely puppets of Jezebel. But it was the onslaught that followed after from Jezebel herself he could not cope with. Boris will win the election, but after the election, his opposition will go after him in a major way. It is absolutely crucial that we pray for him. I believe Boris will be in hiding for a season as we exit from the European Union. During this time, he will handpick a man with a double-portion anointing, who will be an Elisha to Boris. He will pick up Boris’s mantle and run with it, and Boris will resign.

Keys to Dealing with Jezebel on a National Level

Intercessors in this next season will undoubtedly be affected by this onslaught, and experience symptoms of Jezebelic attacks in major ways. God has revealed to us the enemy’s schemes so that we can overcome. God is dealing with Jezebel on a national level. How can intercessors pray in agreement with God? I believe the Lord has given me a key. This is the revelation I experienced most warfare over, and have not had the strength to write about it until now. I believe this is the time for it.

Seasoned intercessors know that we are dealing with a principality. Unless directly instructed by the Lord, we are not to go after Jezebel directly. The key lies in Revelation 2:20 – Jesus rebuked the congregation in Thyatira for tolerating Jezebel. By simply not tolerating, we have exercised our authority over Jezebel. What does “not tolerating” look like?

Jezebel attacks in four major ways: Fear, Isolation, Exhaustion and Hopelessness. We must reject all four emotions when they come. We first recognise them as Jezebelic, and make every effort to reject them and cut them off from the source. News media will be a major source of attacks. Even now, many of us are already tolerating Jezebel through the news. We say to ourselves, “Sigh… I’m so tired of all of this. When is it going to happen? Looks like never…” – we are giving place to exhaustion and hopelessness. If watching the news makes you depressed and want to leave the country, it is a spirit. Reject it, and declare God’s promises of revival in this nation.

Most pro-Brexit Christians have not succumbed to the fear coming from the Left on the news thus far. It is a way which Jezebel has been trying to attack. This attack has been real in the House of Commons. Remember Tory MP Phillip Lee, who defected to Lib Dems in the middle of Boris’s speech? He was attacked by Jezebelic fear (and intimidation, too). Now he is at the opposite end of everything he had ever stood for. It was the Jezebel spirit of fear and intimidation that caused him to do this. It was Jezebel who caused this government to be a minority government. When I was at Boris Johnson’s meeting, Boris arrived late, MPs were there. There were a lot of questions from people about the wisdom of having a General Election. “How can you know you’re going to win?”; “What if you lose?” – It was fear. They may seem like genuine questions, but to a feeler like myself, the atmosphere was horrible and heavy. Though I tried my best not to come under it, I couldn’t wait to get out. When Boris arrived, everything seemed to shift. But it was the atmosphere I picked up before his arrival that became attacks after that meeting. We must reject all narrative of fear coming from the news. It may not seem like an issue for us now, but as circumstances change and turmoil comes, it will become a major battle. I pray that the joy and laughter I received in the Desert encounter will be released on everyone reading this right now. It is a true antidote to any fear and intimidation.

If you find yourself experiencing any or all of these emotions, do not keep them to yourself, pray with somebody. Jezebel’s tactic is to isolate us, and we cannot afford to isolate ourselves in this next season.

Lastly, pray for a Jehu. Jehu was the one who shifted the political landscape in the Kingdom of Israel. Eventually, Ahab’s family was killed, and the leadership of Israel no longer tolerated Jezebel. I believe as we pray, God is going to cause the spirit of Jehu to rise in our nation, and our government will no longer be one that tolerates Jezebel. The intercessors’ intolerance of Jezebel will eventually lead to our nation’s intolerance of Jezebel. God is going to pour out His Spirit and mighty power with conviction of sin and righteousness, and the eunuchs – Christians who have been living emasculated, stripped of their authority, will rise and throw Jezebel out the window. Our culture will shift, and righteousness and justice as the foundations of His throne will once again be established in our nation. Jesus said “He who overcomes, I will give him authority over nations.” We will overcome, and the revival we are going to see will literally establish a church in Europe that will overcome.

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Rachel Brooks
Rachel Brooks
4 years ago

Enjoyed reading


[…] isolated himself to avoid the onslaught of Jezebel. In December 2019, I prophesied that a Jezebelic onslaught was coming after PM Boris Johnson would be re-elected here in the UK, and Boris would go into hiding for a […]